
[Financial] Evaluation of mobile app prototype


  • Understanding users' lifestyle, values and needs:
    Understand users' motives to purchase financial products, their values about financial trading, how they trade, what they expect towards the financial products etc.
  • Prototype evaluations:
    Evaluate and receive user feedback on the new app's concept, UI, IA and functionality, to get insights for the product improvement.


  • In-depth interview
  • Usability test
  • Rating

Approach 1: Analysis on user behaviors and values (IDI)

  • Understanding user touchpoints and involvement with financial products
    Interviewed in detail on target users' daily involvements with financial products and their values in regards to the investment: How they started the financial trading, what information resources they use, their trading habits / personal rules etc.
  • Understanding user opinions towards financial products
    Interviewed about financial products / platforms users had ever traded (on) and got their opinions and expectations towards them.

Approach 2: Prototype evaluations (Usability testing)

  • Understanding of the product concept:
    Evaluated users' understanding of the product concept and functionality at the first view.
  • Validation of the UI design:
    Interacting with the prototype, validated the effectivity of the IA/UI elements which are the keys for the trading.

Approach 3: Validations of the product concept (Post interview / Rating)

  • Analysis of the trading experience:
    Evaluated the overall trading experience by rating and get supporting opinions about the product concept and functionality to get the insights for the improvement.
  • Identification of the UI issues:
    Evaluated the UI design and interactions by rating and received feedback on strength and weakness in detail, to provide practical recommendations.

Project Results

  • Clarifying the possibility of the new product:
    Clarified how target users position and interact with the financial products in their daily lives, and validated the possibility of the new product in the local market.
  • Clarifying improvement opportunities:
    As well as identifying UI and functional issues, clarified the improvement opportunities to enhance the reliability and satisfactions of the product.

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